The Story of Five Horizons with Caryn Rose

About the Episode
Episode Release Date: August 30th, 2021
Special Guest: Caryn Rose of Five Horizons
Back in the early days of the internet, communities were starting to evolve and develop all over the world wide web. Some people found them in public chat rooms, some found them on message boards, Pearl Jam fans found a special one in Five Horizons.
5H was the original Pearl Jam archival concert chronology that did remarkable research on the band’s history, cataloging details from every show that was available to them. Joining us on this episode is Caryn Rose who helped put this project together.
We’ll get to learn some of the ins and outs of running the website and the adversity they went through. Caryn doesn’t hold back on her stories regarding PJ stalker fans, people’s perception of her and Jean, and trying to stay away from the spotlight that came along with the site.
If you’d like to follow Caryn on Twitter, you can find her @carynrose. You can sign up to her newsletter at, and sign up to find out when her Patti Smith book will be available for presale at
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