Nothingman opens a show for the first time ever, as the show begins with a sit-down set that lasts 9 songs, perhaps a callback to Red Rocks 1995, also in Colorado. Ed cheers “Here’s to the thin air!” leading to…
Show Covered by Podcast
Main Set: Nothingman, Pendulum, Thin Air, Sleeping By Myself, Off He Goes, Just Breathe, Angel, Society, Low Light, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, Setting Forth, Corduroy, Why Go, Mind Your Manners, Even Flow, Glorified G, Daughter/(W.M.A.), Sirens, Unthought Known, Better Man/(Save It For Later)
encore 1: Santa Cruz, I Won’t Back Down, Smile, Given To Fly, Comfortably Numb, Black, Crazy Mary, Alive, Yellow Ledbetter
Nothingman opens a show for the first time ever, as the show begins with a sit-down set that lasts 9 songs, perhaps a callback to Red Rocks 1995, also in Colorado. Ed cheers “Here’s to the thin air!” leading to the eponymous Binaural track. A kid in the front row gets one of Ed’s picks after Off He Goes. Just Breathe is stopped in the middle due to lights in Ed’s eyes. Afterwards, he introduces the next one as a “rare occurrence,” and Angel is played for the first time since 1994! The Into the Wild track Society is played with the full band for the first time, in honor of the setting. Jeff gets a shoutout before Low Light. Afterwards, Ed thanks locals and the people who found this spot (without the help of Google Earth) and decided to stay, and encourages everyone to pick up after themselves so they can be invited back. Unthought Known is dedicated “to the big sky.” After the break, another ultra-rare track is dusted off as Santa Cruz is played for only the second time, just Ed on the acoustic. It’s introduced as “a song written about a place, and then I realized if the words were adjusted, it would illustrate how we’re feeling.” The lyrics are changed to “east” instead of “south,” “I need the mountains to set me free, waterfalls to wash my soul,” and “I’ve got a feeling I just can’t hide, pulling into Telluride.” Ed plays I Won’t Back Down solo as well, but electric. Smile is dedicated to audience member David and his friends, in honor of a friend who passed away. Given to Fly lyric is changed to “made it to the mountains…” Ed references the show programs and “great faces on the back” who are in charge of the festival, and dedicates Comfortably Numb to festival organizer Jennifer (it’s her birthday). After Black, Ed compares the stars to the ones you can see from the Hawaiian Islands, leading into Crazy Mary, with Boom and Mike trading solos. Ed ends the thank-yous with “sleep good…there’s a lullaby…” and Yellow Ledbetter ends the night.
Written by: Joey Goodsir