After six years, Pearl Jam has returned to Boston to put on another excellent show inside of Fenway Park. It was a night for dedications and stories as well as a celebration of being in one of baseball’s great cathedrals. It’s a little bittersweet for myself because this is where my road unfortunately ends for this year, but to have it end on such a high note is what I’ll take away from it. From spending the Glen Hansard set in the seats to finding my way down to GA for the set, it was a perfect way to go out celebrating with three of my oldest Pearl Jam friends.
This episode was originally recorded with about 12-15 of us speaking in a circle for about 40 minutes, but unfortunately we lost connection after about 8 minutes and the recording didn’t save beyond that. So you may have missed some amazing Ted Nugent impressions (we’ll make sure you get them on Tuesday), but you won’t miss yet ANOTHER Trumper trying to interrupt our conversation. How does this keep happening? To make up for the loss of audio, I went down to my hotel bar and interviewed some people who attended the show. Lots of great things to chat about including milking blood from a cow, an excellent story about Chris Cornell before In My Tree, a story about Tim Wakefield and the amazing one-two punch of Footsteps and Release to kick off our night!