Episode 315: Philadelphia, PA – 9/7/2024
About the Episode
Episode Release Date: December 18th, 2024
For the third week in a row, you voted for which 2024 Pearl Jam show to cover – this time from the second North American leg! Without question, it was an easy choice as Philly Night 1 ended up with nearly 70% of the vote! And no bias came into play here at all! A large percentage of you are well aware that this was a special night for me, but beyond that, this show is unquestionably the best that Pearl Jam had to offer this year. This Saturday night crowd in Philly did not mess around, and while the setlist choices were excellent, the crowd and the energy that the band fed off them was the story.
For long time followers of the podcast, you probably have a good understanding for how personal this story is to me. Brain Of J. has been my white whale ever since I started going to shows 16 years ago. It was the song that truly kicked off my infatuation with this band back when I was twelve, and in 33 shows I had not seen it until this night. It was a cathartic moment that we’ll relive, not just for myself, but also for my friends who understood what this meant to me. And the version is an absolute banger to boot! So yes, a lot of the conversation is dominated by this song and my thoughts during and after the moment, but that wasn’t even my only fish I caught as Long Road was something that I had never seen open a show before.
Everything in this set is eyebrow raising, but we’ll spend time on great performances of Why Go, Red Mosquito, Running, Chloe Dancer/Crown Of Thorns, State Of Love And Trust and much more from this show. We also invite good friends of the podcast, Aaron Redmond and Mike Cribier, who I got to attend this show with to talk about how special it was.
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