Pearl Jam 2022 Tour Announcement Reaction

About the Episode
Episode Release Date: March 15th, 2022
The moment we’ve all been waiting for! For two years during this horrible pandemic we’ve had to suffer through quarantining, through disease and through the aggravation that live music wouldn’t be hear to alleviate the first two. So now we can finally set our plans, get to the GA line early and stock up on merch for the first occasion in a very long time!
We’re reacting to the news here because it’s obviously going to be the only thing people want to hear about right now (asides for maybe Unplugged). So we’ll go through all of the dates, talk about some of the new venues and the last time Pearl Jam stepped foot in those places, maybe make a few predictions along the way and let you know where you may be able to find us for events and hang outs on show day.
Buckle up, the boys are back!
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