Pearl Jam 2024 Tour Reaction: Ep. 29 – Fenway Park Night 2

About the Episode

Episode Release Date: September 18th, 2024

The touring portion of the North American leg has now been completed as Pearl Jam finished up their second night at Fenway Park. Although they still have Ohana left for next week, this show was certainly treated like a goodbye show. We got the most amount of songs in a set all tour with 29!

A lengthy main set with some great surprises and stories highlighted by a tribute to a former Fenway Park employee named Dick who had passed away since the last time Ed had made mention of him at the 2018 show. The surprise of Untitled and the complete shock that it was Present Tense and not MFC that followed seemed to be the consensus big highlight of the night.

We’re joined by the same old cast of characters you’ve been hearing from all tour – Aaron Redmond, Jason Weiss, Tom Gregory, Ned Lally, former Live On 4 Legs co-host Matt Helbig and many more. But lest we forget our VERY special guest who we didn’t get to hear from on Sunday thanks to a recording mishap… Ned Tugent joins us!!!

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