Pearl Jam 2022 Tour Reaction: Ep. 32 – Denver

About the Episode
Episode Release Date: September 29th, 2022
Sorry for the wait on this one! But hey, we had some instant reaction episodes that were released only hours before the show ended, this one needed seven days. Thanks everyone for your patience. Denver is the tour closer and it allows us some time to reflect on things that happened this year, both personally for the band and setlist wise. We put out a plea for a 2023 tour and a new album, hopefully there’s a good chance something big is on the horizon.
As for the show itself, it certainly paid homage to the long road that they were on from the time of the 2020 announcement up until it finally ending that night. There are multiple tributes to the fans, many dedications and great memories that will last from this one. We’ll talk about the future for Gigaton songs and which may have a chance to move on to the next tour consistently. And I’ll go on a heated rant about how big a piece of shit that Alex Jones is.
Hope you’ve enjoyed these! It’s a pleasure producing them for you all. Stick around to find out the next content that will be available through our Patreon very soon!
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