Devo Series: “Re…Deprogrammed?”

About the Episode
Episode Release Date: January 21st, 2021
Have you had your fill of Deprogrammed episodes yet? Because apparently we haven’t! Because it’s time to do another version of our insane Deprogrammed series and this is to determine the Top 10 songs of the forgotten songs… not the trash, they weren’t even good enough to go into the dumpster. So out of 47 songs, John andI pick 15 a piece to see where songs will fit into our ultra scientific top 173 list… From positions 127-136… yes, it’s come to this. No… it did not have to. So enjoy that maybe, but definitely stick around to check out clips of our interview with Jason Leung that didn’t make the Saskatoon episode at the end! Also, if you want to contribute some options to our next DEVO that we’ll do, we’re looking to score a film solely with Pearl Jam music. So pick a popular movie that everyone has seen and we’ll see if we can properly select the right songs for it! That’s what the comment section is for folks, have at it!
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