Episode 24: Greensboro, NC – 8/6/2000

About the Episode
Episode Release Date: February 23rd, 2019
The Binaural tour featured a bunch of sneaky, sleeper shows that may get lost in the landscape 19 years after the fact. The Greensboro show may end up being one of those sleeper shows the no one really talks about anymore, but is a solid 2 hour affair front to back. Brother Stephen Maytan returns for the first time since episode 9 to talk to us about his experience at this show, the second he’d ever attended.
Lots of great conversations in this episode. Here are a few of the many topics we discuss – The lack of mainstream hype around Binaural, shady Ticketmaster outlets, delicious North Carolina cardboard pizza, what song defines the Binaural era, having to listen to a CD in your car in 2019, what’s on VH1 nowadays, do you envision the color black when listening to the song “Black”? These topics, plus more about the actual show that included Smile as a closer, all wrapped in one episode.
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