Episode 38: Tampa, FL – 4/11/2016

About the Episode
Episode Release Date: June 7th, 2019
Episode Guests: Eddie Quintana
Our episode is from where? Tampa. You got it. And although we lose Matt to the injured list, we’re able to get an excellent fill in at the hands of Patreon donor Eddie Quintana who joined us to discuss his first show.
First shows are interesting, what do you want and what do you expect out of them? Well, for one you want the hits. Check mark on that because the band didn’t just bust out the hits, nearly all of them were home runs. Secondly, it would be nice to see something that might be a little rare at your first show. In The Moonlight, Getaway, Love Boat Captain – those are all pretty nice gets. Top it off with a few covers like Imagine, Sonic Reducer and Baba O’Riley and you’ll be begging for the next tour to come around so you can get your next dose of all that awesomeness.
The best thing to come out of this show happens to be an incredible story that happened to a fan named Bill Castrovince. Bill went on the Pearl Jam pages and requested the band to play Hard To Imagine that night. Anyone who knows the band knows that they only take requests when those requests are incredibly meaningful and this was precisely that. We’re proud to share Bill’s story of perseverance and inspiration on this episode and it’s a story that you won’t want to miss.
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