Pearl Jam 2022 Tour Reaction: Ep. 30 – St. Louis
About the Episode
Episode Release Date: September 19th, 2022
Episode Guests: Bradley Piasecki , Patrick Boegel , Javier Hervas , Joey Goodsir
John (sans Randy, for reasons that will become clear later) is joined by some patrons and special guests for a very special TWO-PART reaction episode to breakdown everything that happened in St. Louis tonight. An epic, high-energy show with an outstanding crowd and plenty of deep cuts (Sad! Sad!!! SAD!!!!). Highlights include a ukelele getting smashed, another thunderous Retrograde, Life Wasted, Corduroy, I Am Mine, State/Breath, Black, and more! It’s the end of our run of shows but we’ll have reaction episodes for OKC and Denver the next day, so stay tuned for that. And look for much more of Randy’s story to come in the next day or so…you won’t want to miss it, trust me.
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