2022 Pearl Jam Fantasy Setlist Draft Tournament Edition – Round 1

About the Episode
Episode Release Date: November 11th, 2022
Episode Guests: Aaron Redmond
Everybody, hey now. Last week we asked you guys if you were interested in joining up for our new season of the Fantasy Setlist Draft. Some of you may have participated in the OG drafts, but some of you may not have been around for them. What we do is bring 4 competitors in to draft their setlist up against each other, no song can be taken more than once, and the only songs available are the ones that were played in 2022. When the sets have been drafted, it will be up to you guys to pick a winner. Within four rounds of competition, there will be one winner per round that will ultimately lead to a championship game before the end of the year to crown the best setlist drafter!
Check out Steve, Aaron, Matt and Jason battle it out to have the most unique setlist! If you’d like to be able to vote for a winner, check out the Pearl Jam Podcast Community group and our Twitter @liveon4legspod to let your voice be heard!
If you were unable to sign up for the draft, please contact us directly – liveon4legspodcast@gmail.com, and we’d be happy to put you on a waitlist. Patrons will have priority over non-patrons, especially ones who haven’t played before!
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