Episode 10: Atlanta, GA – 4/3/1994

About the Episode
Episode Release Date: November 9th, 2018
Episode Guests: John Farrar
The time machine takes us to our first trip to the 90’s where Pearl Jam were smack dab in their prime. This Atlanta show is famous for so many different reasons. First, it was broadcast live for free on radio stations across America where young teens and college kids had multiple tape cassettes handy. Second, parts of this show was featured on the highly popular 3-disc Dissident single at a time where boots were slowly starting to become a normal thing. Last but not least, this is the final show before the official death of Kurt Cobain. Eddie dedicates Go to him and we relive some of the news and rumors that surrounded the story of his demise. Also, lots and lots of love for Vs. here as the band was supporting the album on tour, but with Vitalogy on the horizon we get to hear some special little surprises that gave hints to what the album would eventually offer.
Our Patreon donor John Farrar joins the show to discuss listening to it on the radio and swapping out cassettes!
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