Fan Profiles: Chris Everett

About the Episode

Episode Release Date: January 14th, 2021

Episode Guests: Chris Everett

Welcome to a brand new series that puts the spotlight squarely on you and your Pearl Jam fandom! As one of the perks for the brand new Horizon Leg tier, we’re giving those who donate to that leg the opportunity to talk about their story of becoming a Pearl Jam fan.

This episode profile’s Chris Everett who was featured on our Jacksonville episode this week. He’ll talk about how he was converted from Dave Matthews traveler into one of Pearl Jam’s. In these episodes we’ll ask everyone for their live track that means the most to them so you’ll get to hear Chris’s favorite live cut from the Night 1 Fenway Park show in 2018.

If you’ve signed up to the Horizon Leg and want to record your episode, please reach out to us as soon as you can and we will get something scheduled. Some of you that have episodes that we’re running this year (some of you may not have picked one yet, get on that!) will get to record your profile after recording your episode selection. If you want to be featured on a profile episode and aren’t on the Horizon Tier, feel free to switch over! We’ll get you involved with the website and other cool bonus features yet to be announced!

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