Evolution Series: #18 “Nothingman”

About the Episode
Episode Release Date: August 30th, 2022
It’s time to get back into the Evolution Series! We’ve been promising this for months and we’re glad to have held off on it, because the story of the song has changed within this past year. The song we’re talking about is Nothingman and of course that moment that changed the perception of the song was this year back in Oakland. With Richard Stuverud subbing in for Cameron, Ed told the story of how and when the song was written with Stuverud and Jeff helping out on the demo. That makes for a great tie-in to the whole story, but it only scratches the surface of what we’ll discuss. The song was left off of setlists for the majority of the Vitalogy and No Code tours, but got a nice little bump once a certain trilogy came into play in 1998. The song would gradually turn into a fan favorite and become one of their best live sing-alongs. Tune in to hear the best renditions, and some of the stories that make this song special.
Check out the end of the episode to find out which song we’ll cover next in the Evolution Series!
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