Setlist Draft April 2020: Gigaton Edition

About the Episode
Episode Release Date: April 21st, 2020
Episode Guests: Dave JanTausch , Bradley Piasecki , Randy Sobel , Chris Everett
We’re back with this month’s edition of our Set List draft series. Last time we drafted, it was prior to the release of Gigaton so we only had Dance, Superblood and River Cross to choose from.
Now we have a full album arsenal of songs to use and we’ve changed up the game a little bit. The rules are as follows – Gigaton songs are available to be drafted by anyone and you must have a minimum of 7 songs from the album in your set and a max of 9. Alive is still a communal song, but we no longer have Black or the wildcard pick available to all of our contestants. There is still a minimum of one song per album that must be drafted, but you can only pick a max of 4 songs from any non-Gigaton album.
Here are the four competitors this week: Our returning champion Chris Everett is back to defend his title. since John lost in March, Randy has returned to compete. And competing for the first time are founder Dave JanTausch and long-time patron Bradley Piasecki.
The sets are extremely competitive this time, so when the poll comes out tomorrow it will be an incredibly difficult decision to choose a winner!
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